Thursday, November 18, 2010


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
Christopher Columbus

We must become the change we want to see.
Mahatma Gandhi

Okay theres always this point in your life, well every ones life that you start to doubt yourself. Even the most confident people in the world have those days when there goals/dreams seem to be get further away and not closer.We have the problem right now with writers block and the want to push through this hard time. Mostly i think its because we want it so bad,last week i posted on Facebook in a question form who's the black sheep? James reply'd us and i said well im down lets set this bitch on fire and push it off a cliff. Me being the jokester that i am i realized that even though i want to really do that to most of the people that i have came across in this world, i'd rather set them on fire and just watch them burn instead of pushing them off a cliff. With thats being said tonight post in mostly about pushing yourself .

 Today i had a long conversation with James and it kinda made me realize he's just as human as the next. Ever sense i met him he's been that guy that seems to have everything under control and problem free! Not trying to air him out but James Markland is the Kobe of our team, when i told him that he kinda laughed it off then started telling me how awesome i was and how very talented Nick was . Thats the Kobe in him that is so modest and never cocky he really makes us better and i want him to know that, I personally know that Nick wouldn't be as talented as he is if he never played with him. Case in point James keep your head up we are here for you man we love you. Look deep inside your heart and i promise you that you will push through like i said today PRAY ABOUT IT !     

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